How to Create a Personalized Book for Baby

Recently, I showed you a DIY Diaper Cake I made for a shower gift, but I didn't show you my favorite part -- the DIY Personalized Book for Baby.  I am so excited to show you how to create this DIY Baby Book for yourself.  It is sure to be the hit of the celebration.

The picture above shows what it looks like from inside the book.

1. Buy a soft cover toy book for baby.  I found this adorable pink bunny one at Target.

2. Think about the story you want to tell, and the faces you want Baby to know.  Turning the story into a rhyme is optional.

3. Collect (or ask for pictures) that represent what you want to use.  For example, I wanted baby pictures of mom and dad, as well as current pictures and family pictures.  I looked on social media first, then asked for the baby pictures I didn't find on social media.

4.  Go to your favorite word processing software, like Word, Pages, Google Docs, etc.  Layout each page for the book page size.  I put 2 rectangles to represent the size I had to work with.

5. Layout your photos and story text, then print when complete.

6. Cut the pages to size and insert in the book.  Note on one page, I left a spot for baby's mom to add a picture of the baby.

7.  Insert the pages, and the book is complete and ready for baby to enjoy.

Below, you can see the finished product.  The mom loved it! There may have been a tear or two.  I can't wait for baby to be old enough to enjoy it too.  Hopefully, it won't make her cry, like it made mom cry. Haha.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.  

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Celebrate Baby: DIY Diaper Cakes